Luckily, we do have something cool to show you. Mama took these pictures this morning. Want to see?
Can you tell what it is? Here, look closer!
They are little foot prints!
They look kind of like Lily footprints. But they were made in the fresh snow, before us dogs got a chance to go outside in the morning. We had a secret visitor!
It looks like the visitor walked in a big circle...
And then he (or she) tiptoed along this ledge...
And maybe the visitor slipped on the ice!
What kind of visitor do you think we had? A dog? A cat? A raccoon? Maybe we should set up a hidden video camera so we can see them!
We just wanted to show you that because we thought it was kind of mysterious. And now, we have to give the computer back to Mama so she can work some more on her book. We hope all of our friends are doing good!