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Saturday, January 22, 2011

National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

Hi everyone! We wanted to remind you, first of all, that there is still a giveaway for a dog toy going on until Monday at 5 pm. Don't forget to sign up! 

So... today is National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day! It really is! We didn't believe it either, at first. But it is a real holiday. So, today, the dogs among us decided we would answer all of Sammy-Joe's questions! Sammy-Joe, do you have any questions?

Sammy-Joe: Yes, lots of questions, actually. Here is one. Why do we need all of these dogs? 

Trixie: Thats not nice. Besides, you had a dog before us, didn't you?

Sammy-Joe: Yes. I had Chopper. But she was here before me. Besides, she was my friend. When she went to the Rainbow Bridge, I thought I was going to have some seniority around here. But noooo. You dogs had to come! 

Trixie: Thats not even a question, Sammy-Joe!

Sammy-Joe. Fine. Here's a question. Why do you eat my poop? 

Trixie: I don't do that anymore! That was when I was a young pup. I don't know why. I kinda got in the habit of eating poop when I had my puppies. I had to lick their butts to keep them clean!

Sammy-Joe: Eeeeew! 

Trixie: Well, how else was I supposed to keep them clean? Dogs like to clean up after themselves. Also, cats don't completely digest their food all that well. So, your poop tastes a lot like your cat food... which is pretty tasty! 

Sammy-Joe: I cannot look at you ever again.

Trixie: I said I don't do it anymore! That was years ago! Why don't you ask Lily a question?

Sammy-Joe: Okay. Lily, why do you bark so much? You are the littlest dog I ever met, but you are so loud!

Lily: I know! Its my way of protecting the family! I don't have much of a bite, but I have a BIG BARK! 

Sammy-Joe: Why do you bark at the vacuum cleaner? Are you protecting the family from that?

Lily: Yes! That thing is dangerous! It could suck us all up!

Sammy-Joe: Uh-huh. I see. Where do you dogs go when you leave the house a million times a day?

Trixie: Just in the yard, usually. Or around the block. Why don't you come with?

Sammy-Joe: Too cold for me! Besides, those noisy dogs next door make me nervous.

Trixie: Do you have any other questions?

 Sammy-Joe: Lily, why do you sneak into my fort? 

Lily: It has a little door. I am a little dog. The door is just my size! And there is delicious cat food in there!

Sammy-Joe: That is my food! I am a cat! Can't you read the sign that says NO DOGS ALLOWED?

Lily: Oh, thats what it says! I thought it said LILY. 

Sammy-Joe: Ugh!

Trixie: Any more questions?

Sammy-Joe: I guess not.

Trixie: I have a question for you. Why don't you come out and hang out with us more?

Sammy-Joe: I would, but Lily always barks at me!

Trixie: Just ignore her! You're bigger than her! 

Sammy-Joe: Well, maybe someday. This is getting boring. I'm going to go look at my catnip mouse for a while. Bye!

Trixie: Hmm. That was weird. What do you wanna do now?

Lily: Want to jump around on the carpet and try to bite each other?

Trixie: Sure, lets go! Bye, everyone!

11 friendly visitors:

Jans Funny Farm said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

A lot of questions. Think it helped?

Maggie Mae and Max said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Sammy Joe,

You are a very good questioner! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥I am Holly♥ said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Some great questions and very funny answers!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

georgia little pea said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hilarious! I think I'm beginning to get cats a little better, if that is a possible thing :p

Interesting, that bit about cat poop not being completely digested. Georgia's started to eat it *ekkk* cats from the street that come into the yard to poop :( NO MORE KISSING!

SassySashadoxie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Funny, I tires talking to the big kitty in the neighborhood and mommy yells at me for making too much noise. Plus, the kitty don't like us dogs says we chase all the good things to eat away.

Oskar said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Very, errr, interesting interview!

Nubbin wiggles,

Art and Sew Forth said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Haha!! That was great! If you haven't already, you should watch the video on Life with Dogs....this would fit perfect!

LuLu and Wally said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha! Perfect! That totally made me giggle! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey guys... I got your address.. I just forgot to ask what size boots you wanted? Let me know and i'll get em sent to you asap.

Cassie said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Sammy-Joe, This was a funny post. We think that YOU should enter our MangoMinster2011 side event costume contest. ReAlLy! We only have one feline entry so far and it's not lookin' very competitive!! Pleaaaaase!! Okay, no more begging.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

My brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) has a BIG bark. He sounds like a BIG Wolfhound when he barks. Scares everyone away....even him.

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