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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Penn-Plax Cat Toys

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Hi everyone! It's Sammy-Joe, and I'm here to show you a raffle prize just for the kitties among us! Penn-Plax sent along a whole bunch of stuff just for me.

One of the neatest things they sent was this set of Catnip Stickers! Can you believe such a thing even exists? They are just like stickers, but they smell like Catnip! You can stick them on your toys or even the walls. (They peel off very easily.)

Mama stuck one outside the door of my fort!

How cool is that? Stickers, for me! 

Next, Mama cracked out this weird jumping toy. It is a toy plastic frog. And it jumps!  (A human makes it jump by gently squeezing a little bulb connected to the other end of the black tube. It took me a while to figure that out!) 

Sometimes when I am in the safety of my fort, it takes a lot to get me out... especially when Lily and Trixie are roaming around near by! So at first I just stuck my arm out of my fort and batted at the frog. 

Then, I stuck my head out, to get a better reach at the frog!

Finally, I just couldn't resist! I got my lazy, furry butt out of my fort, and really played with the frog!
 Mama's favorite thing about this toy is that it really requires her and I to interact with each other. I need her to squeeze the bulb to make the froggie jump! We had so much fun laughing and playing together! Last week I wrote my Smarty Sunday post about how important it is to interact with pets to keep our brains working. Some people commented that it is easy to forget to interact with a cat, because we seem more independent than dogs. But we still love your attention!

Finally, Mama brought out this furry catnip mouse. You know how much I love catnip! I can't find my other furry catnip mouse, so I was really happy to get this one.

 I am excited to tell you that three lucky kitties who spend their raffle tickets on this will win a kitty package with one pack of catnip stickers, one jumping frog or insect, one package of catnip mice, plus one big furry black mouse and one package of shiny jingle balls. Mama said we'll even throw in a few Pawbreakers from Edible Animal Treats, just for you!

The kitty packs will be listed as "Penn-Plax Kitty Pack", so look for it on March 13 through March 15!

Ready to get some raffle tickets? Each $1.00 that you donate to Apollo, using our ChipIn widget, will equal one raffle ticket. For instance, if you donate ten dollars, you could choose ten chances to win one particular prize, or one chance each for ten different prizes, or two chances each for five different prizes, etc. Here's the ChipIn!

Want to know more about Penn-Plax Pet Products? Visit their website or friend them on Facebook! 
Another item coming up in 6 hours! 

1 friendly visitors:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Loads of good work going on there :) Best of luck for Apollo's raffle.
He will sure be very thankful to know he has such caring friends:)

wags, Buddy, Ginger n Shadow

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